exactley 240 words of nothing on the subject of things to come

When drawing and in the world of comics, Matt Groening once said “never draw a cartoon about not knowing what to draw” and in writing, it should be the same, that’s why I’m sorry to say I have let you down on that point, dear fragile readers, for I have not the faintest idea what to write, that’s really what I’m writing to tell you, over the course of this mad scribbling… is it scribbling if its on a computer? No… surely not… mad typing... but that doesn’t have the same ring to it… anyway I’m getting away from myself, as I was saying, if I think of anything to write about after this post I will surely write it, I know I promised you another Tod story. The prequel, titled “Acornalypse” surely the title on its own should give you a good idea of what’s to come. There is also another of my short stories “The Girl in the Boat” which, to be honest, isn’t that great but it fills up space on the blog and makes it look like I’m doing work… actually… that’s quite a good idea, even though it is sub-par at best, I will post it for your deliberation, you can peruse it at your own leisure, leave a little comment to tell me how bad it is, or if you have no taste you may even like it… now wouldn’t that be a pip?

1 comment:

  1. I'll be a fool for your schizzle dizzle. What are you up to? Spinnuing line after line of weird?
