“You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake; you are the same decaying organic material as everyone else”

“You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake; you are the same decaying organic material as everyone else”
Tyler Durden (fight club)
Oh, I beg to differ Mr. Durden,
I think that personal identity is a big thing for anyone to have, being able to identify yourself from everyone else around you and being your own person is a gift in its own right.
I see people everyday who dress the same as each other, walk the same, talk the same, eat the same and even share the same bloody view on life, people like this make me physically sick. When people can’t pull themselves away from the status quo and shake things up a little bit, I think to myself “What’s the point of you even being alive, man?”
Talking from a stance where I feel I do dress differently from most other people, I mean I haven’t seen anyone else wearing Jim Greco Red and Black Snake-skin Hi-top Supra’s. I mean they truly are a sight to behold.
But with every person who says “Be yourself” there is ten-thousand people dressed the same as they are echoing that message to you, Cliques are hellish, you find a group and you dress yourself, style your hair and adopt new habits to impress your friend, you lose your soul when you do this, you should always be yourself, and you can be yourself in a group of people the same as you.
Music has a big impact on the way people dress, with more and more styles of fashion and genres of music being interchangeable in name, take emo for example, which started as a style of music (stemming from Emotionally Hardcore, or Emotional Rock) is now one of the most prominent fashion styles of recent years. People judge you by how you dress, people don’t see the you behind the clothes, no matter what you wear, I do it, you do it, that guy reading this over your shoulder is thinking to himself “Yeah, I do that… actually I’m doing that right now.”
No matter what style you are, you will always do it, that’s just the way the world works, people don’t like to rock the boat, people want everything to be the same for-ever and have nothing ever change, that includes your style, you WILL dress like them or they will call you names, throw stones at you and if you are really unlucky, like I was one time, you will get your head kicked in for wearing baggy jeans and carrying a skateboard, after that experience I promptly stopped skateboarding. But you’re not me, I can’ tell you what to do or how to dress, just be yourself, don’t let people tell you it’ not OK to be different, you can be something special. Ignore other people. In fact, start being different right now. Go out and buy yourself the exact same pair of jeans your best friend has.

1 comment:

  1. Skateboarding tale is surprising. If we want to be indvidual and true to ourselves, should we not stick to the task in the face of intimidation, i.e. neds dishing out beatings to anyone daring to carry a skate board.
    Love the premise of what you write, but not convinced by the evidence presented in support.
    Are you familiar with the TV series 'The Prisoner'?
    Patrick McGoohan is enslaved and stripped of his identity as he sees it, and reacts like this when first arriving into the bizarre community.
    New No.2: “Good day, Number Six.”
    No.6: “Number what?”
    New No.2: “Six. For official purposes, everyone has a number. Yours is number 6.”
    No.6: “I am not a number, I am a person.”

    Variations on this theme include I am not a number I am a free man. You get the picture.

    Your blog is what it should be - challenging.
    Fashion is perhaps society's greatest irony.
